Meet Francesca

Owner + Writer

Welcome to Straightforward Spaces, the decor site about how to decorate your apartment while being on a budget.

I am Francesca, in my late 20's, balancing work, travel, and my love for home decor, all while writing this blog.

I'm passionate about transforming homes and apartments into beautiful spaces without breaking the bank. I believe that everyone deserves a home that reflects their personality and style, no matter the budget.

My journey into home decor started a few years ago when I moved into my first apartment.

Faced with the challenge of making a small, uninspiring space feel like home on a tight budget, I discovered the joy and creativity of DIY projects, thrifting, and savvy shopping.

Over time, I’ve honed my skills and developed a keen eye for design, always with an eye on affordability.

Facts about me

  • Working within a budget has taught me to be resourceful and innovative. I’m always looking for new ways to repurpose items and maximize the potential of every piece.
  • I'm a huge advocate for decluttering my space and my life - I fully believe in letting go of what was to make space for what is meant to be.
  • Hunting for hidden gems online and at thrift stores is one of my favorite pastimes. I enjoy the thrill of finding unique, affordable pieces that add character to my home.
  • While I appreciate all styles, I have a soft spot for minimalist decor. Clean lines, neutral palettes, and clutter-free spaces are my go-to for creating a cozy and inviting home.